Daysuke Kitagava (Daisuke Kitagawa) last month 20 years were executed, however he doesn't know it. Since 2008 it is in a coma after unsuccessful falling during school judo competitions, and its chances of leaving this condition, are very illusive. He dreamed to become police officer, but his career ended on the first month of training at high school.
Business of Daysuke is one of one hundred documented accidents with Japanese children, victims of catastrophic mutilations during judo occupations under supervision of the personnel of school. For the last 30 years of 118 school students died, and nearly 300 steels disabled people or are in a coma.
Statistics of this sort has no analogs in those developed countries where this sport is popular. Officials from judo federations in the United States and in France declared that concussions are an everyday occurrence, however for it data for the last some decades about deaths or about injury of a brain at the young people who are engaged in this sport aren't known.
Frequent cases of death as a result of occupations of judo cause concern in Re Uchid (Ryo Uchida), the associate professor of University Nagoya who is engaged in safety issues at schools. It the first collected statistical data which were based on information on the accidents, received from Japanese sports council.
In Uchid's published in 2003 the report, 108 fatal cases, since 1983 were investigated, and these are the earliest available data. However in it data from the centers of the judo which aren't engaged in training weren't considered, and level of traumatism existing there is unknown.
"We knew nothing about it, - marked out Uchid, - and accidents proceeded".
Murakava noted that he and Kobayashi were "struck" with results of the research conducted Uchida. It forced them to create in March, 2010 Japanese association of victims of accidents during judo occupations.
According to him, the ministry urges Federation of judo to send to schools of the qualified instructors. "Finally, directors of schools employ trainers", - he added.
After that, according to Kobayashi, the representative of teaching structure sympathizing it told that the school made the false report on incident in which it was claimed that traumatized has no relation to judo. Kobayashi insisted on that the principal made corrections to the report, and as a result this family won trial in 2011. It was one of (at least) dozen of legal victories of families of victims for the last four years.
Application of physical measures of influence for instilling of discipline is still widespread in Japan, especially it is characteristic for trainers and parents who consider similar measures as lawful educational means. Uchida, studying safety issues at schools, actively opposes practice of this sort.
"They call it corporal punishment, - he speaks, - but if to be more exact, it is a question of violence and ill treatment".
Murakava accused Federation of judo and the Ministry of Education of information concealment concerning the dangers connected with occupations of judo, and also made them responsible for absence throughout so long time of control over tradition of ill treatment".
"Us, Japanese, also it is necessary to find guilty of it, - he added. - We accepted violence and didn't interfere with its manifestation".
The Ministry of Education took measures for increase of level of safety on classes in judo. It began to publish danger warnings of receiving an injury of the head after carrying out in 2010 of conference Japanese Association of victims of judo. However the employee of department of sports and Toshim's youth refused to tell when his ministry received full information on existence of the problems connected with safety. In 2012 when classes in judo became obligatory at many schools, the Ministry of Education published the revised instructions on safety. In addition to correction of the policy in relation to physical punishments, it confirmed an obligation of each municipality to report about accidents at school.
Time to see effect from the entered changes is required, but they will be hardly capable to console such families as Kitagava, whose son is in a vegetative condition within five years.
Since that moment his parents and his 13-year-old sister of Erie (Eri) look after him. They feed him through a tube, change to him clothes and pampers, do massage, talk to it and try to conduct a usual way of life at the same time. However they are too absorbed by the grief, burdened with expenses on drugs and revolted that they call school negligence.
"I consider that instructors have to bear responsibility for safety of the pupils", - emphasizes Misudza Kitagava.
In 2010 the family Kitagava sent to court the claim against the school which representatives didn't apologize for an event and didn't admit the guilt. In February of this year the district court of Yokohama stopped consideration of the this case, having referred to that by this time the young man already had to seize the equipment of falling taught to it the day before and that the difference in weight at partners in a sparring isn't something unusual judo during teaching at high school.
Hirotaka Kitagava called this decision "absurd" and declared that the family intends to appeal.
"We will fight to the bitter end, - he declared. - We do it for the sake of Daysuke, and we can't concede in this case".