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Lyubov Bruletova: "In female judo – one pluses!"

Tuesday, 21 May 2013, 10:54
Lyubov Bruletova:

Lately in Russian national team the trainer's structure significantly changed. The new experts known in Russia and abroad not only as instructors came to team, but also as big athletes. On youth Superiority of Russia in Tyumen the new tutor of the national team of girls – the Olympic prize-winner of Sydney, the champion of Europe Lyubov BRULETOVA was presented.

Successful women around uncountable set. From pages of glossy magazines and TV screens to us fairies with snow-white smiles, suntanned skin smile, the taken place women, strong and independent shine with the perfected phrases. Looking at them, you admire, you start imitating, equaling, and it is frequent – and to empathize. Behind shoulders at them – the life experience acquired by trial and error. At someone everything turns out on time - two, and someone needs to sweat. For someone all desires are granted, and for someone they and remain dreams...

Lyubov Bruletova is a woman who builds the life as she wants. Thus she manages to remain fragile and womanly.

Commitment and persistence, the vital principles and will power, and somewhere – good luck and its Majesty a case helped the ordinary little girl to rise from Ivanovo by top of the world of judo. Though it got to wrestling casually... But, about everything one after another.

"I change a log for a kimono..."

In seven years parents brought small Liouba into gymnastics. Small growth, small weight – in a sport choice the father and mother relied on these criteria.

Daily trainings and huge physical activities didn't cause in the girl of delight.  After a year of heavy trainings parents didn't let Liouba in a summer sports center, and then she accepted the important independent decision first in the life — to leave gymnastics section because loadings became even more.  Started being engaged in jumps on a trampoline, the benefit basic gymnastic preparation was.  But also this sport appeared not to liking.  "Everything was given hard, - Lyubov Bruletova remembers.  –  While there is an insurance – carry out exercise, there is no insurance – it turns out nothing".

I spoke at competitions, but without special success, a maximum – superiority of the city, area. Results didn't give it chances to get out of Ivanovo on larger competitions. I continued to go to the section "for the company": excellent collective, communication, every summer – a sports center on the bank of the most beautiful Rubsky lake. In the winter – hours-long ski walks with a family and campaigns on a skating rink. So six years flew by.

In 1986 Liouba Bruletova executed the standard of the candidate for the master of sports and began to think seriously of what to do farther.

"When I was 14 years old, we moved to other district of Ivanovo, - Bruletova tells. – And here the father somewhere saw the announcement of a set of children of 16 years in group of judo. I refused flatly, called judoists "murderers". Passed half a year more – and again the announcement, already about reception in group of judo of children from 14 to 16 years. I gave in on arrangements of the father and went with him on occupations that "to look with half an eye..."

Probably, it was the love at first sight. The atmosphere in a hall, the benevolent trainer at once gained the girl. Liouba gave up. Trainings were given easily – excellent physical preparation affected. In three weeks of occupations trainer Sergey Dyomin transferred it to the senior group.

Sports steps

In the same summer amicable team went to a summer sports center. And after the trainer Rossoveta of "Dynamo" sent the young sportswoman to her first competitions to Astrakhan, on superiority.

"I the first time then departed by plane, - with a smile remembers Lyubov. - Earlier only by train I went with mother and the father, and here – one, and by the plane! Summer, excellent weather, on eight people in number, fun! Five days of competitions flew by very quickly. As fought, I don't remember, but I took the fifth place. And after all passed only half a year from the moment of my arrival to team! It was the result!"

In few months – new tournament, already in Gorky area. After two competitive weeks – the invitation to collecting. Three trainings in the day, the new impressions, new achievements and new friends.

I liked it very much!  It gave a huge positive charge, - the judoist admits.  –  I already understood for myself that I can yield result only when I really like that I do".

Later half a year more, on the next superiority Rossoveta of "Dynamo" Lyubov Bruletova took the third place. Then there was a tournament of Central office of "Dynamo" and again – a prize-winning place. After that for the perspective sportswoman there was one road: on all-Union competitions. In two years after the beginning of occupations in section of judo of Bruletov executed the standard "the master of sports".

First "gold"

Having graduated from school, Lyubov Bruletova arrived in Omsk state university of physical culture on the specialty "games-master", wrestling and sambo chair.

"In the same time started fighting in awkward age on sambo, - the sportswoman remembers.  -  Hardly allowed to competitions, nevertheless – I could take a silver medal.  It was time of accumulation of experience, it is a lot of collecting, trainings, tournaments".

In 1992 the 18-year-old judoist defined in the adult national team. In the CIS championship she lost though trainers unanimously repeated that its place – in the three of the strongest. And at the end of the same year, in the first championship of Russia Lyubov Bruletova took long-awaited "gold", having provided itself the permit in a national team.

"Two years rode on the international tournaments without special results, agape. Then it seemed to me that foreign athletes are experts, implicit leaders! They don't refuse to themselves anything, their kimonos shine a whiteness, and ours are similar to the shabby yellow dressing gown, - the Lyubov laughs. – And after one of tournaments in Germany me left in a sports center. From a sparring to a sparring the understanding came that I win more often, than I lose. Me reached – I strong!"

But in 1997 our heroine had a serious injury of a shoulder.  "I received it not for once, and in training process, - the sportswoman tells.  –  Several times did a X-ray – it is visible nothing.  But there came day when could fight simply not.  And then our doctor-orthopedist, the former judoist, suggested to make a section and to look that with a hand.  The choice was such:  or operation or to leave judo.  It made a section, found three problems in one joint, one of them was very serious.  Operation took place successfully, I started being restored gradually, and already at the end of the 1998th took bronze in the Championship of Russia".

Second breath

After a national championship award at our heroine "the second breath" opened. Then Liouba for the first time sent to the European championship instead of her main competitor on Tatyana Kuvshinova's national team. I acted successfully, I became the third. Judges were delighted with Bruletova's crown reception: it took "гадаавле", so-called "the Georgian capture", picked up the competitor as it is done by high athletes and overturned it on a tatami.

After Europe qualifying tournaments to the Olympic Games began. For the main start of life Bruletova was prepared by the Perm trainer Konstantin Filosofenko. On all rating competitions the Lyubov reached the endings and in Sydney didn't change tradition. Only the Japanese was stronger, having left the Russian on the second place. Silver is too a victory.

"The Olympic Games are a tremendous emotional and physical lifting. I always remember that time tremblingly! I remember how we walked with the Russian journalists across Sydney and met a married couple of years of sixty as it appeared – emigrants from Russia. They invited us on a visit. And at their place all in the Russian style: the embroidered napkins, painted ware, prepare the Russian dishes, know proverbs, sayings Russian. We sang songs, communicated. It was so healthy!"

But after Sydney the Lyubov felt that a stock of forces on an outcome. Continuous change of trainers in team, a little, according to the sportswoman, "sluggish" years. Even next "gold" of the European superiority any more didn't bring that pleasure that earlier. After ineffectual for it the Olympic Games-2004 Lyubov Bruletova made the decision to pass to trainer's work.

"Skill – in trainer's work"

Lyubov Bruletova openly declares: "It is boring for me to work with unprepared athletes. Those who knows, that and as wants are interesting to me only. Knows and achieves".

Bruletova Lyudmila Alparova's ward on superiority of Russia-2006 became the second, and then brought home three more bronze awards from qualifying international tournaments to superiority of Europe. In the championship in Tallinn there was the seventh.

In a moneybox of other pupil Bruletova, Natalia Krivoshchyokova – "gold" of the championship of Russia on sambo among the students, the first places at the regional competitions, the first place in the student's judo championship of Russia.

"Female judo — very beautiful show — considers Lyubov, – Parents don't need to be afraid to give the daughters in our sport. Wrestling tempers character, disciplines, forces to watch itself, a day regimen, a food. One pluses! It is wrong to consider that the gymnastics more is suitable for girls – sports or art, without a difference. In gymnastics of load of an organism much more, the mode, a diet is more rigid. More rigid approach of trainers: you fall from a shell – at you shout, elements don't turn out – at you shout. In judo the equipment is important. To give in to win. The rival waited from you one throw, and you made other reception. In our sport many forces you spend for preparation, and the throw turns out easily: you feel the attack moment, and in fractions of a second it you "catch" and you do".

After Igr-2012 Lyubov Bruletova started working in Russian national team together with Ezio Gamba and Konstantin Filosofenko.

"Here all is new to me. And carrying out training process, and approach to athletes and the relations in team became so benevolent that there is a wish to work, and to work for result. Now foreign experts came to team. They show very interesting things, present knowledge very fine, very easily. We fulfill such details on which earlier nobody paid special attention. Athletes admit that a lot of things began to turn out. In the national team my personal schoolgirl Eugene Dementseva now trains. Certainly, I work with all sportswomen, but so there is a wish that Eugene brought to our team a medal on the following Olympic Games! " - the trainer admits.

"An hour and a half in day - to think and read"

The eminent judoist has not a lot of free time. Day is painted on minutes. "Private life for the majority of people is a house, a family, children. I from 15 years started traveling about about the country and to the world. I didn't get used to stay at home, and now I have no special desire somewhere to settle. My life in movement, - admits Lyubov Bruletova. – All friends and relatives got used long ago that I am not present the house. I like to happen on collecting, there are no household problems. Two minutes – and you in a hall, two minutes – and you in number. On collecting it isn't necessary to be adjusted specially on training process, all are positively loaded. I am tired of idleness and very much I don't like to be beaten out from a mode. Once you arrive home, right there – a sit-round gathering with friends late, late lifting, house routine also any it is necessary to issue papers. The head by the evening goes around", - the heroine speaks.

Free time for Lyubov Bruletova is approximately an hour and a half in day. This time – for reading and self-education. "Now I started studying according to books and audioprograms Italian. English I learned, now I expand borders, - the judoist laughs. – In team now there are a lot of foreign experts, we have, so to speak, an international national team. Someone speaks English, and someone – only in French. So we will develop further".

Near it there is a wish to smile, infectiously to laugh – as it it is able. And, as it to go, without looking back, only forward … Probably, the woman of the twenty first eyelid has to be such: positive, easy, womanly and with strong character.

Liniza Baryshnikova


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